Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Camera distance :)

Hey guys :) these are our examples for camera distance!

*XCU (extreme close up)  ;  CU (close up) ;
  MCU (medium close up) ; MS (medium shot) ; MLS (medium long shot) ;
  LS (long shot) ; XLS (extreme long shot)

This single one is a demonstration for XLS.

P.S. i know there's no big constrast between my shots for XLS and LS ...  PLZ FORGIVE ME BCOZ THE KITCHEN IS NOT BIG ENOUGH !!!

Monday, 14 January 2013

La Jetee

Well, I was blank after watching the 27 mins sci-fi film - La Jetee. It's a black & white movie makin up by still pictures, in which i guess it's a classic film. I was just so lost and had tons of question mark in my mind during the show! What's it about? Why there were men covered with something like a big eye mask? Who are they - are they bad guys? One more thing, the background music of the film was really creepy and kind of annoying..  Right, I DO NOT LIKE THE FILM ...

To many people, specially experts in film, La Jetee is incredible. "Masterpiece"and "Masterwork" are words that describe the film from most of the reviews. Most reviewers view this film as an influential one. "12 monkeys" is also being inspired from the movie. Sadly, i just couldnt figure out how fantastic the film is.....

But it does indicate me how still photos can turn into a film and i basically know how a storyboard works!

Saturday, 12 January 2013


TWO & TWO  is a really impressive and cliff-hanging film. With such a short length (8 mins long), the clip is still strong enough to make me stunned. The story took place in a shabby classroom which was filled up with little schoolboys. The school imposed a new regime, and all students must coordinate with it.

"2 + 2 = 5" I suppose even a 6 years old kid won't make such mistake. But the teacher from the film  wrote it on the blackboard and insisted the sum is totally correct. Those pupils did make some noise at first, but with the teacher's power, most of them didn't dare to question. The tacher brainwashed them with repeat, students were also asked to jog it down in their notes. Unexpectedly, a little boy stood up and questioned the teacher. He ended up being shoot by invisible guns holding by 3 outstanding students as he at last spoke out the true answer but not just shrank from the teacher's power.

The film is not hard to follow and in good pace. Audience would probably find it easy to catch up as there are only compact dialogues. Most importantly, it enlightens me! Strangling one's desire for knowledge or truth equals to stangling one's life! This short clips definitely reminds me the dark side of thought-controling or even dictatorship that once happened in China. Who dares to make a sound, who suffers! Children are impressionable - if we tell them that black is white at the very beginning, I'm sure they are going to believe firmly without any doubt. Besides, it's really saddening that people daring to speak out are the minority of society. As from the film, there is only one little boy having the courage to tell the true answer. I believe the true colours of people, especially kids are precious and should not be stifled, and education should be preserved in a democratic and enlightened way.